The greatest and the most noteworthy aspect of Ammavaru is that She wanted not to have a temple and wished to remain without any roof over Her Idol. Hence this temple is having a unique feature of not having a roof and is open to sky. Worship is being done in the temple without any caste, religion and creed. And the other equally noteworthy feature is that Goddess wishes that devotees come and worship as they like without any aid or benedictions of any purohit. This feature has attracted almost all the devotees and won their acceptance. Thursday is very auspicious day to the Presiding Deity ` Sri Kanaka Maha Lakshmi Ammavaru’. Every day, “Panchamrutha Abisekham (It is also called `Trikalarchana’) is being performed to the Goddess thrice by the devotees on payment of Rs.216/- by allowing two persons at the Puja timings mentioned below.
Trikalarchana Timings: Prathakala Puja at 05:00 a.m.
Madhyahna Puja at 11:30 a.m.
Pradoshakala Puja at 06:00 p.m.
Saswatha Pujas: On every Friday, `Ksheerabhishekam’ is being performed at 09:30 a.m. by the devotees on payment of Rs.200/-, besides other Sevas such as `Sahasranama Puja on Tuesday & Friday, Samuhika Astothara on Thursday & Fridays & Astothara Kumkumarchana regularly.
The following Pujas are being performed in the Temple on receipt of permanent donations from the devotees by utilizing the interest thereon to perform Pujas:
1) Saswatha Sahasranama Puja (Every Thursday) Rs.5,000/-
2) Saswatha Astothara Kumkum Puja (Yearly Once) Rs.500/-
3) Saswatha Panchamrutha Abhishekam (Yearly Once) Rs. 2,500/-
4) Saswatha Ksheerabhishekam (Yearly Once) Rs. 1,116/-
Pujas / Sevas performed daily and other auspicious days 1. PANCHAMRUTHABHISHEKAM - Rs. 350/- (per couple)
2. KSHEERABHISHEKAM - Rs. 200/- (only on Fridays)
5. KESAKHANDAN - Rs. 10/- (per head)
6. SAREE RUSUM - Rs. 5/-
7. SPECIAL DARSHAN - Rs. 100/-
8. CINEMA REEL PUJA - Rs. 116/-
9. HEAVY VEHICLE (4 wheeler) PUJA - Rs. 100/-
10. TWO /THREE wheeler vehicle PUJA - Rs. 25/-
Temple Timings:
Temple Opened 24 Hours
5 A.M. to 6 A.M
| Panchamruthabhishekam, Sahasranamarchana, Balabhoga Nivedhana |
From 6 A.M. | Sarva Darsanams |
11 A.M. to 11:30 A.M
| Cleaning of Temple |
11:30A.M. to 12 Noon
| Panchamruthabhishekam, Astotharanamarchana, Rajabhogam, Mahanivedhana |
From 12 Noon | Sarva Darsanams |
5:30 P.M. to 6 P.M
| Cleaning of Temple |
6 P.M. to 6:30 P.M | Panchamruthabhishekam, Astothara Sathanamarchana, Sayamnivedhana |
6:30 P.M. to 5 A.M
| Sarva Darsanams |
KumKum Pooja | Performed from 7 AM to 9 PM |
Ksheerabhishekam Pooja | Performed on every Friday from 8 AM to 9 AM |

Road Map:

Nithya Annadhana Scheme was established a noble funding system to provide free meals in the Noon everyday to the devotees of Sri Ammavaru coming to visit this sacred place from all parts of the country.
Devotees can donate Rs. 1,116/- or more amount through DD / Cheque / M.O. drawn in favour of the Executive Officer, Sri Kanaka Mahalakshmi Ammavari Devasthanam, Visakhapatnam or also through Savings Bank A/c No. 060810011050085, Andhra Bank, Visakhapatnam.
The principle amount paid by the devotees will not be spent. The amount donated by the them will be deposited in the bank and the interest received will be spent for distributing Annaprasadham on the day specified by the devotees on their name.
Maharaja Poshak - Rs. 1 lakhs & above
Raja Poshak - Rs. 50,000/- & above
Poshak - Rs. 10,000/- & above
Donors - Rs. 1,116/- & above
The Donations may please send to the following address or directly remit to the online SB A/c No. 31146385891 of State Bank of India , Visakhapatnam
Deputy Commissioner & Executive Officer
Sri Kanaka Maha Lakshmi Ammavari Devasthanam
Burujupeta, Visakhapatnam. A.P., INDIA
Ph:0891-2566515, 2568645, 2711725, Cell: 9491000651